SSI Turn Passion into Profession SSI Turn Passion into Profession

SSI launches initiative to address scuba instructor shortage

Scuba Schools International (SSI) is tackling a critical industry issue: a lack of qualified dive professionals.

This initiative, titled “Turn Passion into Profession,” aims to significantly increase the number of instructors by 2030 and beyond.

“Since Covid, we have seen a dramatic decrease in the number of active dive professionals within the scuba and freediving industries. Many dive centers, especially in resort locations, are struggling to stay well-staffed.

As the world’s largest business-based training agency, our main focus is helping our dedicated SSI Training Centers be as successful as possible, and we are excited to further this support with new SSI marketing, training, and acquisition tools aimed specifically at promoting professional training,” says SSI CEO Guido Waetzig.

The global demand for instructors currently outpaces the supply. SSI’s program offers Training Centers a suite of free resources to attract and train new professionals. These resources include:

  • Customizable marketing materials to target potential instructors
  • Pre-designed email campaigns co-sponsored by SSI headquarters
  • Enhanced features within the MySSI app specifically designed for Training Centers

SSI are definitely taking a proactive approach. They’re partnering with dive centers to not only solve staffing challenges but also to create a new profit center focused on professional dive training. Many people dream of exciting careers, and SSI can help connect them with your dive center.

Dive centers interested in becoming part of the solution and creating a new revenue stream through instructor training can join SSI now. Don’t miss this opportunity to address the global staffing shortage and shape the next generation of dive professionals.

Take action today!

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